When looking for a professional team to service, maintain, or repair for your vehicle, you want to bring it to someone you can trust. WINDY CITY MOTORS is your place. Our trained technicians will diagnose and repair your vehicle correctly the first time. Trust the proven mechanics at our WINDY CITY MOTORS sales and repair center to help you get the most out of your vehicle!
From tune-ups to engine replacement, WINDY CITY MOTORS service department does it all. Visit us for Illinois vehicle emissions repairs, oil changes, tire rotation or any other vehicle maintenance. Please use the email form below to schedule an appointment or contact our Service Department at 773-887-4748. We're conveniently located at 2662 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639. We have evening and Saturday hours for your convenience and will be ready to assist you with any concerns you may have.
We look forward to serving you. Thank you!
2825 N. Cicero Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641
(773) 717-7000
With FREE Car Wash & Safety Inspection$19.95
(Most Cars)
Coolant Flush$64.95
Transmission Flush$69.95
Ask about our Brake Service Specials!
"We've Developed Customer Loyalty by Treating You Like Royalty!"
Specializing in Failed Emissions • We Honor All Competitor's Coupons • We Service All Makes & Models